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Randall Carpenter
nickname LtColt
Age 55
Married with two Sons, Wife of 24 years Peg . I am a Vietnam war vet. 8 years service 17 years as a police officer.
9 years as a juvenile court community service officer.
10 years as a class room aide to the severe behavior class in our local high school. I am still employed with the school but now assigned to the alternative school.  Also Year and a half as owner/operator of Insane Dayz field and proshop. With my Son Brandon as co-owner and co-Capt of Insane Dayz paintball team.

Shane Collins
Age: 16
Markers: TMC Matrix, CP Barrel(soon to be freak), Pure
Energy air system, EVO II. I also own a B2K bushmaster. 
And its for sale.(Leave a message in the board if you want  it.) Position: 3man-Back and insert, 5man-Front
Info: I have been playing paintball for about 4 years now.
I have been with Insane Dayz ever since it started. We
started out playing at shiloh fields. And practicing with
Brimstone Smoke. They're a bunch of great guys and good
ballers. As co-captain of the team, I expect the best out
of the team, so if they do something stupid on the field I 
let them know about. Every tournament we go to people talk
bad about us and we have yet to figure out why. It just   helps us smoke you. They talk bad, we win tournaments.
Also If you ever play us, and You hear SMOKE THIS!!!! You will know you just got rolled over by "A bunch of kids."
We need players to practice against, so come on out. Its
an awesome field to play on for only 5 bucks!

Steven Major

age: 16

Nick name   Steve-O-

I shoot a silver Matrix with a center flag Gas thru grip, trinty Reg. One of a "KIND". Pre-owned by Anthony Call of Brimstone Smoke, a  friend of Insane Dayz Paintball Team.  I have been playing with Insane Dayz for about 8 mos. and loving it.  I started playing woods ball for about a year before I started playing speedball.  I have always went to Shilo Fields and played their woods court, then I tried their speedball course and loved it.  Brandon Carpenter, Co-Capt of Insane Dayz, The Big "C" showed me the ropes to speedball and then I started playing with IDP's  and stated playing on their one of a kind paintball field.  I play back and mid field I highly encourage you to come out and play on IDP's paintball field, it's great. fee is great too, only $5.00 all day air included. Balls are only $18.00 per 500 Blaze, not the normal cheap paint you see normally as field paint.